Good for hiding app generated directories you don't want to see or to hide a directory for some other reasons... Open Terminal Type: chflags hidden /Directory/Path/ That should do it. If the directory is in a stack it can take a couple opens for it to vanish. To return the directory to visible, use the … Continue reading "Hide Directory in Mac OS X"
Category: Tech Help
Install Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) on TouchPad
[UPDATED 3/19/12] - Add link to Alpha 2 - replace all references to Alpha 0.5 with Alpha 2 to install the newest version of CyanogenMod [UPDATED 7/14/12] - Add link to nightlies of CyanogenMod - replace all references to Alpha 0.5 with the latest nightly build of CyanogenMod These are instructions for the CyanogenMod 9 Alpha … Continue reading "Install Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) on TouchPad"
Fix GD Library Error By Enabling GD Library to Use TimThumb - Ubuntu Server
If you're trying to use TimThumb (an excellent PHP script that auto-resizes images) and you're getting a GD Library error, follow these steps to fix it on your server.
Setup NDOutils for Nagios on CentOS
In this post I provide instructions on setting up the database plugin, NDOutils, for Nagios. The instructions were written for CentOS but most of it should easily carry over to another distro.
Kill A Process Using Command Line
If you need to stop a process (program), you can use the "taskkill" command in Windows. Example: taskkill /im processname.exe /f You can also kill multiple processes at once that share similar names. Say you want to kill processname1.exe, processname2.exe, and processname3.exe running. taskkill /im processname*.exe /f For more detailed uses, check out Microsoft's TechNet … Continue reading "Kill A Process Using Command Line"
Shell Script - Automatically SSH Without Key
If you ever need to write a script that automatically SSHs to another computer, use this script. You'll find that you cannot automatically SSH for two reasons. You can't pass the password through the ssh command You can't bypass the initial ssh key registration This script can handle both these problems. It requires the expect … Continue reading "Shell Script - Automatically SSH Without Key"
Convert PDF Tables Into Excel Spreadsheets
PDFs are great for having a basic file format that can be used across operatings systems and not be edited. But some times you really need to edit the information in the PDF. Well comes to the rescue for getting tables in a PDF to an Excel spreadsheet. Go to to convert your … Continue reading "Convert PDF Tables Into Excel Spreadsheets"